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ICON Sports Entertainment Group
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
ICON Sports Entertainment Group is an agency dedicated to providing management for a dynamic, engaging and charismatic group of world-class athletes and entertainers. ICON pride itself in having the same work mentality as our clients. Stemming from the founder who is a former Olympic gymnast, passion, teamwork, sacrifice, resilience, and discipline is the company’s backbone. We are go-getters who work around the clock to live up to the high standards we set for ourselves. We are nimble and creative in finding solutions to meet our clients' and business partners' expectations and needs. ICON holds connections to key decision-makers and industry executives which we leverage for our clients and business partners’ benefit. Through our strategic partnerships and trusted relationships, we attract businesses who seek to boost their brand awareness and credibility, grow their bottom line, gain a competitive advantage and expand into new markets.
Office United States
Head office
New York, United StatesReviews
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