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Cincinnati, OH
01 Jan 2010
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Cartology offers customized services for individuals, brands, companies, and agencies of all sorts and sizes. We’re prepared to take on clients wherever they are on their e-commerce journey. As a full-service agency, we’re equipped with global thinkers geared towards providing long-term solutions. SERVING BRANDS We work with a diverse pool of brands to create the results they’re looking for. Perhaps you have a brand with an established story but don’t have a presence on Amazon, or maybe you do but are experiencing a drop-off in sales. Our team can help you troubleshoot any issue you’re facing and devise a comprehensive approach that ensures we cover all your bases, now and going forward. SERVING SMALL BUSINESSES We’re a small business committed to growing and serving other SMBs. Having gone through the process of building something from the ground up, we understand the unique challenges that come with creating a successful operation, and we bring the expertise and know-how to take brands from zero to multiple
Head office
Cincinnati, OHReviews
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