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Peralta Design
Shelton, CT
01 Jan 1992
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Peralta Design specializes in developing innovative, out-of-the-box and cohesive visual design and messaging across all print and web-based customer touch points. Peralta Design is the premiere local digital creative agency that provides innovative marketing and web development solutions along the startup path while maintaining a superior customer service experience. We can be the secret-weapon that can support your internal marketing departments execute effective campaigns on time and on budget. Peralta Design offers its clients prompt attention, superior customer service and a unique design perspective with a focus on business. Strategically positioned in the startup space, Peralta Design understands the challenges faced by entrepreneurs and small businesses on the startup path. Even corporations face similar challenges when executing new initiatives and new products or departments. In many ways, the challenges are the same. We understand business and design while providing creative services and web develop
Head office
Shelton, CTReviews
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Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
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Social Media Marketing
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