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Westlakes Drive, Berwyn, Pennsylvania
01 Jan 2017
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
2X is the world's first B2B marketing as a service (MaaS) firm, focused on providing end-to-end marketing expertise for established companies in the technology and professional services industries. Founded in 2017 by three former CMOs from major global corporations, our mission at 2X is to improve marketing performance with powerful, data-driven campaigns that help businesses create more visibility, generate leads, and increase competitive advantage—twice as fast, and with double the impact. 2X is composed of world-class marketing strategists, developers, analysts, designers and writers who work together to build, run, and optimize marketing. Our company is growing fast, and we’re looking for the best talent to join our pioneering MaaS team. For more information, apply on our website or contact us at [email protected]
Head office
Westlakes Drive, Berwyn, PennsylvaniaReviews
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