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Business Owl
Northallerton, England
01 Jan 2016
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Welcome to the Business Owl team page. We are expert Virtual Assistants based in North Yorkshire. We support the legal sector, small businesses and self-employed professionals nationally. We help you to: Maximise your chargeable hours by taking care of the background admin Say goodbye to the sleepless nights spent worrying about your to-do list Access professional admin support without having to employ somebody Future-proof your business to withstand inevitable peaks and troughs How we help We work in two different ways. We take responsibility for set tasks throughout the month, giving you peace of mind and you can budget accordingly. We also offer flexible ad hoc hours to suit the needs of your business, meaning you only pay for the amount of support you need, when you need it. Either way, you can add us to your team without adding us to your payroll commitment. We pay our own tax, NI and pension contributions and you don’t need to pay us while we are on holiday. Who are we? Jen Workman founded Business Owl
Head office
Northallerton, EnglandReviews
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