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Gregory FCA
Ardmore, PA
01 Jan 1990
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Founded in 1990, Gregory FCA is Philadelphia's largest public relations firm and the 47th largest PR firm in the nation. With 70 professionals and a national client base, the company provides a comprehensive offering of public relations services, including media relations, strategic communications, trade show support, event planning and execution, speaker appearances, executive visibility campaigns as well as new product and company launches. The firm maintains integrated investor relations and social media practices. Gregory FCA management is drawn from a wide range of disciplines, including journalism, media relations, account management, financial services and crisis management. The firm's investor relations services include institutional investor, security analyst, and broker targeting as well as earnings communications, disclosure compliance, investor communications and database management. Gregory FCA's social media capabilities include campaigns that reach consumers, extend and strengthen trade relatio
Head office
Ardmore, PAServices
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