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Just One Design
Atlanta , Ga
01 Jan 2020
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Billy Justi is an audiovisual designer with over 25 years of AV industry experience. From designing night club sound and lighting systems, to building recording studios, Billy has always been on the forefront of technology and brings a discerning eye and ear to every project he undertakes. Over the years his clients have trusted him to manage special events and artists have relied on him to make them sound amazing. A venture into real estate led Billy into the smart home industry. Witnessing the rapid advances in smart technology, Justi saw the opportunity to adapt sophisticated systems into his investment properties that had only previously been available to his high-end commercial clients. Billy has since partnered with some of the biggest names in home building to bring his high level of service and passion for sound and visual technology to homes all over Atlanta.
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