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PPR Worldwide
01 Jan 1994
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
AxiCom delivers integrated communications campaigns for the world’s most innovative technology companies. We work with clients in the Enterprise Computing, Telecoms, Consumer, FinTech, Media Technology and Business Applications sectors. From offices in Amsterdam, Austin, Los Angeles, London, Madrid, Milan, Munich, New York, Paris, San Francisco and Stockholm, AxiCom designs, builds and delivers ground-breaking and thought-provoking campaigns. We offer our clients analyst and influencer relations, content, digital marketing, media relations, integrated communications, internal communications, and research and insights services. Being part of global communications & public relations agency BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe) and the wider WPP Group provides us with unparalleled global reach and access to a vast range of additional marketing competencies If you would like to discuss how we can help you drive impactful, global communications for your company, visit
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