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Digital Meaning
01 Jan 2011
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
As a B2B marketing leader, you’re responsible for tremendous marketing output. You have great ideas, yet there’s never enough time or people to execute them. Enter Digital Meaning. Digital Meaning gets what it takes to close the gap between B2B marketing ideas and business results. If we need to write a creative brief, we write it; if we need to do research or audits, we do it. We muse, test, learn and iterate. Most importantly, we knowledge-share. We’re your Swiss-army knife of perceptive account management and deep-domain expertise that thinks strategically and executes thoughtfully. Digital Meaning is where strategy meets execution. While providing project leadership B2B marketers rely on. Our post-launch checks ensure that nothing slips through. Our digital marketing subscription plans allow us to tailor our Services to meet our clients’ expressed marketing goals and budget monthly. Services include: • Marketing Strategy + Support • Website Management • Breakthrough Content • Email Marketing + Automation
Office United States
Head office
Oakland, California, United StatesRecognitions
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Above average
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