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01 Jan 2009
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We create appetite for brands We’re TASTE - an independent, integrated communications and marketing consultancy that specialises in food and drink… an industry we understand from the inside, out. We sit at the heart of an unrivalled network of food and drink influencers, from the innovators shaping the future, to the industry stalwarts who set the benchmark for the next big thing. Our far-reaching relationships mean we’re embedded in the culture of food and drink and have the expertise to enable any brand find its place within it. So how, exactly, do we create appetite for brands? Through our ability to connect and collaborate with cultural icons, our strategic, considered approach and our creative capacity, which gives us the power to craft stories that truly shift the dial. Follow us on... Twitter: @TASTEPR Instagram: @TASTEPR
Office United Kingdom
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London, Greater London, United KingdomServices
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