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Coquitlam , British Columbia
01 Jan 2019
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
ENG2 Mission. We believe that opportunity without structure is chaos. Our mission is to engage in the acquisition and development of fragmented industries, structuring them and providing extraordinary services while exceeding the industry standard with innovative implantations in business. ENG2 will be using the following chart for an overall strategy: Methodology Chart Investigate Market and Competition Build a Dream Team (chairman, Directors, CEO, COO, CFO, Big 6 accounting firm & national/international Lawyers) CEO & CFO Interview Financial Institutions (for relationships and Equity) Investigate Market (search for related niche, consolidate fragmented industry through acquisitions and implementation of our structure) COO and/or CFO Makes Offers (Numbers Game) (Investigate Principals, litigations) Buy Businesses (Expansion) Create Critical Mass, Professionalize Management (Structure with systematic consistency for both stability and profit) Exit Plan Sell or Take Public
Head office
Coquitlam , British ColumbiaReviews
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