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Burning Stick Creative
Lafayette, LA
01 Jan 2018
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Welcome to Burning Stick Creative. Based in downtown Lafayette, Louisiana, we are a full-service advertising agency, serving a range of clients throughout Acadiana, Louisiana and beyond. As brand experts, we love the fact that the word brand literally means "burning stick." But our new name also signifies the passion and the fire that's been ignited in each of us to do amazing work, each and every day. We have a burning desire to be an advertising agency, but also real storytellers. Our goal is to make your organization stand out through strategic communications, effective public relations, innovative social media, cutting-edge video production, a dominate web presence and beautiful design. If we do our job right, our clients make their mark, literally stamping their brand and leaving a lasting impact.
Head office
Lafayette, LAServices
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