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Taylor Johnson
Niles, IL
01 Jan 1977
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
For more than four decades, Taylor Johnson has been 100% niched in the real estate industry, bringing a deep knowledge and understanding of our clients’ business to the work we do on their behalf. We are proud to represent a diverse roster of some of the industry’s most highly regarded companies – large and small, public and private, and touching nearly every residential and commercial real estate sector. Our portfolio of current and past clients spans residential builders, brokerages, property managers, finance and investment groups, architecture and design firms, construction companies, and developers of office, industrial, retail, hospitality, mixed-use and multifamily properties, including market-rate, affordable housing, mixed-income, student housing and senior living communities. Our philosophy of quality over quantity and of putting clients first has resulted in a number of long-term relationships, including our very first client – a more than 40-year partnership. A boutique, family-friendly agency, Ta
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