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Ignite Marketing Consultants
Post Falls, IDAHO
01 Jan 2020
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Ignite was created by the former Virtual Marketing Services Intl CEO, Desiree Jones. Desiree has over 20 years of business ownership and marketing experience. She brought together a team of tried and true experts from all over the nation to work with startups, e-commerce, and local businesses who need a partner to help them grow and become profitable. What you will find working with us is communication, sound strategies, and unheard of growth and profits. We're not blowing smoke - all of our clients will attest to our claims. How do we do it? We utilize state of the art technology combined with human expertise to design profitable campaigns in all channels. We also provide a full dedicated, 100% virtual, marketing team for one low monthly rate. If you've worked with other agencies or freelancers, you'll notice the difference from day one. #igniteyourbusiness
Head office
Post Falls, IDAHOReviews
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Content Marketing
votes: 0
Marketing Strategy
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Other Digital Marketing
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Social Media Marketing
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