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Playtime PR
01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Making lives more playful. Playtime PR is an independently-owned agency founded in 2014, and we've quickly grown to become one of the best-respected PR agencies for toys and games brands. We have the skills and creative expertise to get your toy or game noticed. Playtime’s top-heavy business model is intrinsic to the agency’s successful campaigns and solid results. Our core team of 20 senior-level PRs are experts in their fields, and they choose to work with Playtime on a long-term basis, across accounts they love, with ultimate flexibility – guaranteeing their passion. As a result, clients enjoy: - Vastly more experienced PRs who WANT to work on their brands - A consistent, robust account team of expert talent with a broad mix of experience - Extensive toy industry knowledge - Access to wider resource as needed – expert spokespeople, creative solutions - Global campaign delivery if required, through our alliance of partner agencies Our business model is so agile that not only can we increase the remits of th
Office United Kingdom
Head office
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, United KingdomServices
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