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Woven Measure
Alpharetta, GA
01 Jan 2008
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We are a full service technology consultancy focused on bringing the absolute best custom solutions to our clients for the last twelve years. We deliver the highest caliber of product solutions and custom software development for a multitude of industries, including Retail, Financial Services, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Transportation, and Medical. In addition to building the best solutions for our clients, we have developed our own suite of SAAS products that provide performance management and operational compliance. We pride ourselves in building custom experiences for our clients and provide a deep understanding of what is needed in designing a complete application experience to serve your business. We bring a high level of expertise and knowledge to the projects we deliver and can provide not only the development but the support, hosting and long term management of the solutions we offer. Let us show you what a true turnkey technical partner looks like.
Head office
Alpharetta, GAReviews
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