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Alison South Marketing
Charlotte, North Carolina
01 Jan 2010
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Alison South Marketing Group is a full-service advertising agency with offices in North Carolina, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee. Our Philosophy: To be successful, you must permit marketing to impact your entire business. That's because we believe marketing is charged with shaping and communicating your brand promise. It is not just an advertising campaign, a sales promotion or a public relations event. Because your brand is everything you do or say, we spend considerable time and effort conducting Market Analysis & Strategic Planning to effectively differentiate you from your competition and develop a unique selling proposition. Integrated marketing strategies are then followed to successfully communicate your brand, tie sales and marketing activities together and hold everything accountable. Our goal is to create a marketing strategy that will allow companies to reach maximum exposure and grow their business.
Head office
Charlotte, North CarolinaServices
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