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Local Dialogue
01 Jan 2000
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Whether your project is a property development, a local plan or vision, an investment in infrastructure or a policy under review, we can help you connect with your stakeholders. Local Dialogue provides expertise in community relations, consultation and communications. We specialise in the property, infrastructure and regeneration sectors. Since 2000, we've built up a team of specialist consultants facilitating dialogue, enabling objectives to be explained and understood. Our clients, from major energy infrastructure owners to local authorities and house builders, benefit from our extensive experience in community engagement across the UK. Whatever your project, we can help you work with the relevant stakeholders, ensuring mutual understanding. We ensure not only that you have insight into stakeholders' views but also that they recognise your project's scope and objectives. Our customised approach will give you the knowledge, strategy and execution to help ensure a successful outcome. Our services include: • S
Office United Kingdom
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