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Michele Marie PR
Beverly Hills, CA
01 Jan 2007
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Michele Marie PR focuses on developing and executing strategically targeted press campaigns to brand clients as leaders in their own particular sect. The founders are energetic, fresh, and accessible with bi-coastal experience in a wide array of product lines. The clients include young design talent, established premium designers, and innovators in the world of fashion, beauty, and accessories. Michele Marie PR has a proven track record of combining editorial press, celebrity dressing, promotions, and events to assist in developing successful household-name brands. The team collaborates with each client to pitch concepts and materials to maximize on potential brand awareness and excitement. Commitment to the highest quality shines through in all services. Michele Marie PR was voted in the top three for PR Rocket’s 10 Best PR’s September 2015, highlighting the firms diligent marketing assistance via strategies and approaches such as special event planning, social media management, celebrity endorsements, store
Head office
Beverly Hills, CAServices
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