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Kona, HI
01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We drive growth for startups in the US and any international market by combining performance marketing, product optimization, and data science. Our clients hire us to help with projects like: growing top-line revenue 50% month over month, cutting cost of acquisition in half, unlocking new paid acquisition channels, scaling up while maintaining a consistent CAC, etc. We have a fully remote team of US-based growth ninjas ready to dive into your challenges. Clients include Wealthfront, Heifer International, Pill Club, Oura Ring, Embark Vet, Headspace, Qapital, Soothe, AAA and Grass Roots Farmers' Cooperative. Services include: Paid search, Facebook ads and other social channels, lifecycle marketing, online funnel optimization, growth strategy, tracking and attribution setup, data analysis, international marketing campaign translation and localization, content creation and copywriting. Want to work with us? Shoot us an email at [email protected] In our free time, we pursue passions for trail running, internat
Head office
Kona, HIReviews
Votes for all services: 0
Content Marketing
votes: 0
Marketing Strategy
votes: 0
Other Digital Marketing
votes: 0
Social Media Marketing
votes: 0
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Above average
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