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TM Latin America
Weston, Florida
01 Jan 2006
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We are a Latin-American team of professionals with extensive experience in marketing, sales, communications, public relations, branding, positioning and e-commerce specialized in the tourism sector in Latin America. We think globally and act locally, covering the entire Latin America region with the local knowledge, language and culture. TM Latin America (Tourism Marketing Latin America) is a U.S. company with strong presence in Latin America, with over twelve years of service in the tourism industry dedicated to marketing destinations, attractions, hotels, parks and tourism businesses around the world. Our president, Victor Manjarres, has over 30 years’ experience in the tourism sector innovating, introducing new brands, repositioning and expanding sales, creating highly profitable returns for our customers. TM Latin America team currently is based in Orlando (US), Mexico City (Mexico), Bogota (Colombia), Buenos Aires (Argentina), São Paulo (Brazil) and most recently, we started operations in Toronto (Canadá
Head office
Weston, FloridaReviews
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