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VAXA Digital
Charlotte, North Carolina
01 Jan 2020
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Founded by former digital strategy consultants for Fortune 100 companies, we know exactly what it takes to stop your customers in their tracks and optimize your digital strategy for every step in the customer buying journey. At VAXA Digital, we help e-commerce brands succeed by creating data-driven paid social strategies, conversion-optimized creative, and digital experiences that communicate clearly, achieve marketing goals, and look fantastic. We're not just an advertising agency. With an in-house creative team solely dedicated to producing scroll-stopping ads, we're able to fuel our Facebook and Instagram media buying to keep up with any size campaigns. While our prior experience involves working with executives at large companies such as Amazon, Accenture, Dell, and Bank of America, we've been able to apply these same frameworks and strategies to help our e-commerce clients in growing their revenue beyond the 8-figure mark. If countless Fortune 100 executives have trusted us to grow their digital revenues
Head office
Charlotte, North CarolinaReviews
Votes for all services: 0
Content Marketing
votes: 0
Marketing Strategy
votes: 0
Other Digital Marketing
votes: 0
Social Media Marketing
votes: 0
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Above average
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