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Connelly Partners
01 Jan 1999
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
When copywriter Steve Connelly established Connelly Partners in 1999, he set out to do one thing; to show the world that good people can do exceptional work. Today, with a collection of big and small awards on our shelves, and 160+ family members spanning Boston and now Dublin, Connelly Partners remains an independent, full-service advertising agency obsessed with all things human. Together we build Modern Brands, preparing our clients for the future by maximizing the present. We are an agency of humans who live with empathy, lead with empathy, and have built the largest independent agency in New England & Ireland by embracing empathy. We use data not to find answers, but to ask better questions. We embrace the reality that our value comes from ideas, ideas that must make people stop and sales move. We are defined by the work we create, work that is fuelled by technology, machine learning, and a defiantly human curiosity. This makes us humans first, and advertisers second.
Office United States
Head office
Boston, MA, United StatesRecognitions
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Above average
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