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The Power Group
01 Jan 1999
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
The way people communicate is constantly evolving. While our foundation and company history is rooted in traditional public relations, we also understand the need to reach people where they are. Our PR strategies go beyond conventional media relations and oftentimes become a collaborative force with other marketing initiatives, especially in the digital world. Instead of remaining a “PR only” agency, we chose to grow with our clients. We expanded and refined our suite of services to meet their needs along the way – and we’re thrilled to bring our expertise to the table. Our agency has grown in size and scope over the years, from a one-woman entrepreneurial venture in 1999 to a successful business where we live our core values every day: always do the right thing, win together as a team, and create happiness and fun. Just like communication is constantly evolving, we’re constantly progressing as an organization so that we can give our best to our clients.
Office United States
Head office
Dallas, TX, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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Above average
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