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Arista Networks
01 Jan 2004
Huge (999+) Company
Looking for business partners
Arista NDR, (formerly Awake Security) is the only advanced network detection and response company that delivers answers, not alerts. By combining artificial intelligence with human expertise, Arista NDR hunts for both insider and external attacker behaviors, while providing autonomous triage and response with full forensics across traditional, IoT, and cloud networks. Arista NDR platform delivers continuous diagnostics for the entire enterprise threat landscape, processes countless points of data, senses abnormalities or threats, and reacts if necessary—all in a matter of seconds. The Arista solution stands out from traditional security because it is designed to mimic the human brain. It recognizes malicious intent and learns over time, giving defenders greater visibility and insight into what threats exist and how to respond to them.
Office United States
Head office
Santa Clara, California, United StatesReviews
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