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Rancho Cucamonga, CA
01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Honored to be named #262 of 2017 Inc 5000's List of Fastest Growing Companies in America! With over 8 years of experience building influential social media accounts, the founder of Adwizar have created a platform for partners to gain a productive mass following, enabling them to use their social media outlets to generate residual income. Each Artist, Company, or Brand is unique to its own demographic. We use detailed analytics to deliver solutions that are tailored to your fan base. Our social strategist will diagnose your social media accounts and do extensive research on your brand which allows us to deliver content your audience wants and needs. Once an algorithm is in place, we monetize and maximize advertising revenue. Adwizar manages over 100+ celebrities social media accounts, generating 300 billion impressions, 100 billion in reach, 7.7 billion post engagements, 7.6 billion video views throughout their accounts. Increasing clients following by 71.7 million organically. Clients such as Kevin Gates, Bir
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Rancho Cucamonga, CAReviews
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