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Customer Communications Group
01 Jan 1977
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Customer Communications Group, Inc., (CCG) is a customer relationship marketing (CRM) agency focused on loyalty, retention and direct marketing. Find us online at, and read our CRM industry publication, CustomerProfit at As a pioneer in customer loyalty, CCG has decades of unparalleled experience in the B2B, B2C, retail and financial services industries. As a full-service agency, CCG offers integrated, end-to-end expertise, including strategic consulting, database marketing services, loyalty program development, direct marketing strategies, customer research, data analysis, data management services, creative execution, production and interactive services, and ROI measurement — all focused on developing strong, lasting relationships with your best customers. CCG's mission? To help our clients improve the bottom line by improving customer relationships and strengthening customer loyalty. We serve an international clientele from our corporate headq
Office United States
Head office
Lakewood, CO, United StatesReviews
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