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Copycat Copywriters
Brooklyn, New York
01 Jan 2017
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
One of the most vital facets to a digital marketing company’s success is compelling written content. Whether you run a SEO-heavy platform or not, you’re going to require a hefty amount of content for your clients (or your own site). One of the unfortunate byproducts of a skyrocketing demand for copy is an industry oversaturated with copywriters who produce low-quality and low-effort material. The good writers, alas, seem to exist elsewhere, too busy with their own creative endeavors. Enter Copycat. We are a team of professional and experienced writers that have chosen to channel all of our energy and talent into the copywriting industry. As mentioned, the standard for quality copy across the industry is very low. Our goal is to raise that bar, creating an industry wide paradigm shift in what is expected from copywriters. Our goal is to streamline the outsourcing process for your content managers. Our goal, most importantly, is to make the internet readable. From blog posts, technical pieces, ghostwriting, soc
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Brooklyn, New YorkReviews
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