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Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Production company, that works with some of the top social media influencers, artists, and brands to develop photo and video content covering categories including lifestyle, fashion, music, and corporate advertising campaigns. Past Clients/Projects: Jacob Sartorius (9.2m) Brent Rivera (7.3m) Jordyn Woods (5.2m) Twan Kuyper (5.0m) Johnny Orlando (4.9m) Alex Lange (2.5m) Dylan Dauzat (1.4m) Andreea Cristina (1.3m) Brennen Taylor (1.1m) Ryan Burton (1.1m) Sarai Jones (1.1m) Summer Mckeen (1.0m) Big Nik (975k) Aidan Alexander (840k) Dylan Jordan (800k) Lexi Rivera (750k) Ben Azelart (700k) Alexis Burnett (650k) Lauren Giraldo (625k) Dylan Summerall (425k) Coca-Cola Boosted Boards Urban Outfitters Universal Music Group Sony Music New York Fashion Week Outside Lands
Office United States
Head office
Los Angeles, California, United StatesReviews
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