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Castle Rock, Colorado
01 Jan 1999
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Data-Dynamix specializes in providing modern targeting solutions for your marketing needs. We offer an exclusive reservoir of IP Address, Device ID, Email, and Postal targeting data for the ultimate capabilities in modern cross-channel advertising! Your Trusted Partner for Marketing Data! Our deterministic matching process enables Data-Dynamix to offer unparalleled targeting across multiple channels. And as a longtime data provider, we know how to manage privacy, too. Working with us gives you the benefits of long-term data integrity, comprehensive digital expertise and a premier customer experience. Lookalike Marketing Using A Cross-Channel Digital Marketing Strategy! We can match your customer database against our own to reveal the specific demographic trends and profiles that comprise your market. And then… we can help you identify more prospects just like them. Our solutions leverage offline and online data graphed on over 240 million US adults, including demographics, IP addresses, device IDs and opted-i
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