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Convergence PR
01 Jan 2001
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Established in 2001 Convergence is an award-winning public relations consultancy with representation in Christchurch, Wellington, Queenstown, Nelson and Auckland. Our mostly senior consultants have diverse experience across numerous industry sectors, as well as a specialist Government, Regulatory & Public Affairs service and a growing Digital Strategy team. We assist clients with the strategic management of reputations and relationships, from media and customers to staff, local communities and government. Our consultants have experience in all major industry sectors and specialist expertise in agriculture, health, consumer & lifestyle products, property & construction, and infrastructure projects. We can help you publicise a new business initiative, negotiate your way through media issues and develop social media strategies. Our expert writers craft everything from websites and video scripts to opinion pieces, speeches, newsletters and annual reports. To learn more about our services, sector experience or mee
Office New Zealand
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