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01 Jan 2012
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Ripl helps hundreds of thousands of small businesses build their brand on social media. Ripl’s easy-to-use mobile and desktop versions help you create, share, and measure social media content that are designed for your particular business. With Ripl, you can: Create animated posts and videos within minutes. Share on all your social accounts—including LinkedIn—with one tap. Customize your brand with our library of fonts and music tracks. Get social media recommendations targeted to your business. Track your progress with real-time analytics. Measure the success of both your Ripl and non-Ripl social posts. Improve your social content based on engagement metrics. Use our desktop platform, offering seamless compatibility with our mobile app. With Ripl Pro, our premium membership, you can: Access 200+ design templates. Select from our library of 150+ fonts. Brand your post with your own logo. Schedule your posts in advance. Choose from 250+ music tracks or use your own. Add up to 12 photos to your design. Try Ripl
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Bellevue, WA, United StatesReviews
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