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FLOCK and RALLY Integrated Communications for a Brave New South
01 Jan 2010
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Founded in 2010, Flock and Rally is a full-service, women-owned creative agency based in Columbia, South Carolina. The firm integrates branding, public relations, marketing, traditional advertising, digital advertising, social media and more into campaigns for a diverse base of clients, ranging from local nonprofits to large-scale businesses. Serving industry sectors ranging from hospitality, lifestyle and tourism to business, technology, real estate, economic development and more, Flock and Rally’s mission is to rally the community around great ideas. Flock and Rally builds new brands from the ground up, takes success stories to the next level, and keeps clients at top of mind with target audiences, utilizing best practices and data-driven insight across a variety of services including advertising, public relations, marketing, branding, social media, website development, graphic design, digital advertising and more. Before forming Flock and Rally in 2010, co-founding partners Debi Schadel and Tracie Broom ea
Office United States
Head office
Columbia, South Carolina, United StatesServices
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