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Susan Davis International
01 Jan 1975
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
For more than 40 years we’ve been helping clients solve problems, solidify reputations, create new programs, deal with crisis, communicate with key audiences and achieve outstanding results, no matter how ambitious their goals. We are skilled at listening, advising, strategizing, creating and delivering. We are expert at stakeholder communications and stakeholder engagement. We are practitioners of partnership and relationship building. We shine at storytelling and at reaching diverse audiences in the smallest of locales and across the globe. We understand the nexus between planning and responses, and when the chips are down, excel at crisis communications and crisis management. Clients stay with us, return to us and recommend us because we earn their respect and confidence. We continue to build our reputation for excellence, one client at a time. Seven things to know about us: 1. We were named one of the “Top 5 Public Affairs Agencies” in the United States. 2. We offer global public relations reach through a
Office United States
Head office
Washington, DC, United StatesServices
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