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Bliss Point Media
01 Jan 2014
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Bliss Point Media is a cutting edge video advertising agency founded on the principles of machine learning and decision science to deliver exceptional outcomes for performance marketers. A successful performance campaign needs several elements to come together in harmony: the right strategy, great creative, strong messaging with a compelling value proposition, and efficient media that connects these elements with your audience. At Bliss Point we fuse our industry-leading technology with media and marketing expertise to deliver high-impact, high-ROI campaigns. CORE SERVICES: Television: ROAS-focused, scalable television campaigns with full-funnel measurement and optimization TV is a marketing channel with huge potential for many performance advertisers, yet measurement difficulties have historically made it unwieldy and hard to optimize. Bliss Point’s patented machine learning technology allows our clients to break through these difficulties and build efficient, scalable performance campaigns in a mass medium.
Office United States
Head office
New York, New York, United StatesReviews
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