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TenMax AD Tech Lab
01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Founded in 2015, TenMax Adtech Lab is a subsidiary of funP Media Group that comprises of software engineers, data scientists, and digital marketing consultants specializing in big data analysis and digital advertising to develop cutting-edge ad tech solution. Since 2016, TenMax has expanded its ad tech solutions and data optimization services across several Asian markets, including Malaysia, Vietnam, Japan and Indonesia. In 2021, TenMax and Indonesian unicorn Gojek have formed a partnership through an exclusive online advertising technology licensing agreement. Using TenMax's advanced advertising technology and Gojek's data insights to jointly develop Gojek Advertising Network, our goal is to create a powerful Retail Media solution to better serve market needs. Merging advertising technology, AI, and big data analytics, TenMax is committed to the innovation and independent R&D of digital advertising platforms, having launched various platform solutions such as DSP, SSP, DMP and AdX across the digital advertis
Office Taiwan
Head office
Taipei, TaiwanReviews
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