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01 Jan 1887
Large (250-999) Company
Looking for business partners
Brands constantly seek to achieve deeper appeal and connection with their target audience and customers. They express themselves in unique ways, in ways that are meaningful, attractive and compelling to their audience. Fonts play a key role in this and are central to every brand’s visual identity and expression. Headquartered in the Boston area of the United States and offices across 4 continents, Monotype is the world’s #1 company in fonts. It’s a trusted partner to the world’s top brands and was named “One of the Most Innovative Companies in Design for 2018” by Fast Company. Monotype’s fonts and technologies help bring brands to life! Monotype Solutions India is a strategic center of excellence for Monotype and is a certified Great Place to Work®. It is based in NOIDA, Sector 125 (Delhi/NCR). The focus of this fast-growing center spans Market Research, Research in areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, Product Management, Product Development, Product Marketing, Revenue Marketing, Customer Su
Office United States
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Woburn, MA, United StatesReviews
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