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Lab Mpls
01 Jan 2017
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We have transitioned everything over to, please visit that site for all LAB information. __________ LAB for Business offers business workshops that focus on the key components of a successful business, led by industry experts that provide resources, tools & strategy to apply to your business. The LAB instructors are industry professionals and will share their expert advice, one-on-one education, and resources to help you gain more knowledge & confidence in different areas of business. This is a hands-on experience with templates, spreadsheets & ongoing resources to apply to your specific needs in an approachable environment with other like-minded individuals. Whether you are a business owner, independent contractor, or working with a larger corporation, these workshops will offer the foundations for success and the knowledge & skills to grow & succeed. We strongly believe in the power of collaboration, and our goal is to make LAB a place for people to connect and grow together. In addition to gain
Office United States
Head office
Minneapolis, MN, United StatesRecognitions
This feature will be available soon!
Profile score:
Above average
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