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01 Jan 2015
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
ENCOMPASSING GROWTH-FOCUSED STRATEGIES IN DIAGNOSTICS, GENOMICS, LIFE SCIENCES, BIOPHARMA AND MEDICAL DEVICES Specializing in lean biotech we have a proven track record of success in the global commercialization of new technologies and products from life science research to precision medicine. We offer a wide array of services including executive team product development guidance, quantum brand development and core system/process design to implement successful marketing and communications initiatives in FDA compliant environments. Tactical support includes public relations, marketing planning and execution, identity management and events. Our industry specific team has the know-how to successfully design digital and traditional programs that deliver your message: on-time, on-budget, on-target. We have over 25 years experience with industry market leaders including Agilent Technologies, EraGen Biosciences (Luminex), Third Wave Technologies (Hologics), Smiths Medical, Schleicher & Schuell / Whatman (GE Healthca
Office United States
Head office
Pomona, California, United StatesServices
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