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01 Jan 2016
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
MagicCo. is an Inc. 500, three time Webby-Award winning voice services agency, with additional capabilities. Before COVID, we were the 340th fastest growing business in the country(Entreprenuer Magazine) We create innovative voice and connected home experiences for your brand in a way that helps your business do more business on voice. We've done some of the biggest integrated marketing campaigns in our clients histories using voice assistants, created custom voice technology embedded in our clients products, and built award winning permanent presences on voice for well-known names. Since 2016 we have been passionately creative and innovative in a way that both impresses and gets results whether your goal is marketing, publicity or sales. Ultimately, we help develop a conversational strategy and execute on that strategy to get you close, and more familiar to your customers both existing and new. We strive to make sure our clients are satisfied and focused and are a proud provider to the Fortune 500, celebriti
Office United States
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Brooklyn, NY, United StatesReviews
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