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01 Jan 1999
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Virid has been involved in ecommerce since its infancy. Since Virid's founding in 1999, we have helped brands custom design and deploy ecommerce sites. Creating Barney's New York's web store was the launch of our platform in 2003. Since then we have helped clients including Journeys, Liz Claiborne, Tory Burch, Windsor, and Johnston & Murphy. Now as a certified Shopify Plus Partner, we have the skills to bring our expertise to one of the most comprehensive ecommerce platform solutions. Our experience is your strength. Over 20 years of experience in ecommerce means we have seen a lot. We use that wealth of knowledge to guide you to the best solutions for your ecommerce presence. #Teamvirid
Office United States
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Reston, VA, United StatesReviews
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