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01 Jan 2007
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Playwire is a global revenue amplification company with the knowledge and technology content owners need to maximize revenue and grow their audiences. Pioneering with its complete monetization platform, RAMP (Revenue Amplification Managed by Professionals), Playwire is able to provide an all-inclusive solution to manage every aspect of the ad ecosystem for digital publishers through machine learning technology, dubbed Revenue Intelligence TM. Named a Google Certified Publishing Partner in the first part of 2020, Playwire manages nearly 500 websites, serving 12 billion video and display ads, and streaming one billion minutes of video each month. Exclusivity with its partners allows Playwire to provide all of its digital advertising services through one channel. Playwire is headquartered in Deerfield Beach, Florida, but has a global reach with business operations and satellite offices spanning from San Francisco to Singapore.
Office United States
Head office
Boca Raton, Florida, United StatesReviews
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