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Large (250-999) Company
Looking for business partners
Companies often struggle with how hard it is to keep customers excited about their brand. Tenerity makes it easy to "spark" that brand enthusiasm. We provide global clients with intelligent engagement solutions that give customers reasons to connect with your brand; attracting them on a daily basis with compelling offers, and not just when they’re transacting with your product or service. Our multi-layered intelligence structures data to inform both content and context to make offers meaningful and effectively personalize at scale. This results in highly curated, individualized marketing offers and immersive customer experiences. It’s the continuous learning generated by the data intelligence that optimizes customer outcomes and makes loyalty profitable. Based in Stamford, Conn., Tenerity services millions of consumers through over 2000 client relationships, with approximately 1400 associates in 18 countries.
Office United States
Head office
Stamford, Connecticut, United StatesReviews
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