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City Road Communications
01 Jan 2012
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
City Road Comms is a PR agency that specialises in using research, data and expertly crafted content to secure amazing media coverage for our clients. When we were founded in 2012 we worked exclusively with finance and investment companies, including private equity houses. Over time, we began working with the startups those companies invested in, too. It means we’re now great at two things: PR for finance firms, and getting vast amounts of coverage for little-known SMEs looking to scale up. Data is at the heart of our PR strategies. It’s how we ensure clients are always newsworthy. Unique quantitative research provides clients with insights into pertinent issues and trends within their marketplace, which translates into interesting stories that we share with our huge network of journalist contacts. Combining research with superbly written content ensures our clients are seen as experts in their industry – they become brands people trust. And ultimately, this means our PR will deliver commercial value.
Office United Kingdom
Head office
Whitechapel, England, United KingdomServices
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Above average
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