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The Howard Company
01 Jan 1950
Medium (50-249) Company
Looking for business partners
Celebrating over 65 years of design excellence, The Howard Company is an ESOP owned menu board equipment manufacturer located in Brookfield, WI. We specialize in marketing solutions and brand merchandising for the foodservice industry. Our focus is digital indoor and drive-thru menu systems, illuminated and non-illuminated menu boards and foodservice marketing products, and permanent and semi-permanent POP retail merchandising displays. We have built our reputation on providing first class customer service and high quality products under our brands including Mainstreet Menu Systems, Howard Displays, Howard Menus, and VisionQuest Digital Systems. Our satisfied customers include Arby's, Taco Bell, Freddy's Frozen Custard, Zaxby's, Rita's Italian Ice, Wendy's, Noodles and many more. Visit our website for information on our latest products and services offered for the foodservice industry and retail POP needs, or call us toll free at 1-800-782-6222.
Office United States
Head office
Brookfield, WI, United StatesReviews
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