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Aurora The Agency
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
01 Jan 2013
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We are a UAE-based, Emirati-owned agency. We offer a 360-degree service enabling us to meet clients’ marketing and communications needs across the board. Our experienced Corporate and Consumer client servicing teams work across all departments providing an agile, responsive client servicing. Our guiding aim is to work closely with our clients to best understand their needs, and in response develop tailored communication solutions to deliver results, which not only add value, but also take our clients’ businesses to the next level. As a testament to our approach and high-level of service delivery, we have achieved and retained a very high level of client loyalty. Our clients appreciate that we do not only promise, but adhere to a strict Key Performance Indicators (KPI) measurement system to measure our success and ensure a high Return on Investment (ROI).
Head office
Dubai, United Arab EmiratesServices
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