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Hugo Dunhill
Omaha, NE
01 Jan 1939
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
HDML History We’ve come a long way since Irma Dunhill went door to door in the Empire State Building gathering a list of names for her employer in 1939. Upon hearing of her work, a local businessman approached her, interested in purchasing the list of names she had compiled. Although she did not know it at the time, Irma Dunhill and her family would become pioneers in the mailing list industry and contribute to the growth of a vital business tool for entrepreneurs and businessmen for days to come. Since our early beginnings three generations ago, our commitment to great service and quality lists has helped Hugo Dunhill Mailing Lists, Inc. grow into a well known mailing list and business information company. Today, HDML provides Business, Consumer, Medical, E-mail, and Specialty prospecting lists to both Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike. Over 250 Hard-to-Find Licensed Professionals Lists Medical & Healthcare Lists Business & Consumer Lists Over 100,000 Satisfied Customers Over 70 Years in Busin
Head office
Omaha, NEReviews
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