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Gordon C. James Public Relations
01 Jan 1990
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Gordon C. James Public Relations is a full service firm with three core practice areas: communications and media relations, event management and government relations. Although each is a distinct discipline in its own right, in many instances all three practice areas are brought to bear to address the needs of a particular client problem or project. At GCJPR, we are dedicated to meeting the objectives of our clients and demonstrating success by achieving measurable results. We draw upon the depth and breadth of our staff's cross-functional experience to create a unique strategy for all client needs, small or large, public or private. With offices in Washington, DC, Phoenix, AZ and alliances around the world, we are able to provide a personal and tailored approach on a global scale.
Office United States
Head office
Phoenix, AZ, United StatesServices
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