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Link Strategic Partners
Washington, DC
01 Jan 2012
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
LINK is a is a full-service, DC-based social impact firm, with a focus on strategic communications and stakeholder engagement. We are committed to our clients and their communities, which is captured in our name: LINK (Local Insight, National Know-how). As a firm that grows out of a strong legacy of doing work for causes that matter, we combine big firm knowledge of national and international trends with a “hyperlocal” approach that prioritizes access and personal attention for our clients. We only take on work that has a deep connection with our mission-based approach to our shared communities. By understanding and respecting the communities in which we operate, we help our clients create and apply the right tools and strategies to translate challenges into opportunities for hyperlocal success. We provide high-touch and high-tech expertise and personalized assistance in public and media relations, marketing and communications, community relations, branding, online engagement, digital strategy, event manageme
Head office
Washington, DCServices
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