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Washington, District of Columbia
01 Jan 2020
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
If you are: - Running a lead generation campaign and driving traffic to your website, but you are not satisfied with the results (calls, form submissions...) - Spending your budget in PPC campaigns and struggling why you are not accomplishing your goals - An E-commerce generating visits to your shop but not getting enough sales because people drop before/at checkout We'll help you boost your conversions and revenue. CRO services we offer to boost your profit: 1.- HEAT MAPS Website Visitors produce tons of data. Heat maps are the perfect tool to visually analyze users' behavior and discover which areas get the most attention. Heat maps will provide you valuable insights to run A/B tests and improve your Conversion Rate. 2.- SESSION RECORDING Session Recording is a qualitative research tool that will help you understand users' journeys on your website. Thanks to session recording, you'll be able to identify patterns in visitors' behavior and friction areas and optimize user experience (UX). 3.- A/B & MULTIVARIA
Head office
Washington, District of ColumbiaReviews
Votes for all services: 0
Content Marketing
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Marketing Strategy
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Other Digital Marketing
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Social Media Marketing
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